Darren Quinn

Unconventional economic thinker dedicated to reforming policies to prioritise social justice and empower society’s disadvantaged. Despite facing the challenges of chronic unemployment personally, Darren has found purpose in being an advocate for bold policy reforms grounded in economic and human rights

My Work


I share my perspectives on heterodox economics concepts like MMT, the Job Guarantee, public banking and more through various platforms. This includes operating the @AusMMT Twitter account, which has amassed over 2000 followers.

Recent Media Appearances

KRTD Media

3CR Radio

Darren and other thought leaders at KRTD Media analyse the real drivers of inflation and debunk myths about government spending. A solutions-focused discussion on how to build a sustainable, equitable economy.

Macroeconomics educator Darren Quinn joins host Anne to dismantle the dangerous economic
myths pervading public discourse. Having spent years educating the masses on fiscal realities
Darren speaks with an unwavering authority to dispel the ignorance threatening our financial
future. Unconstrained money creation risks calamity, not utopia. Taxation alone cannot save
us from inflation’s wrath. The coercive nature of currency is no grounds for outright abolition.
MMT is far more nuanced than recycled Keynesian thought.
Absolve yourself of false
narratives and heed the urgent truth: Unconstrained money creation risks calamity.

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